
Silver Polishing - A Lost Art??

Here at The Children's School, our Montessori "magic" can generally be broken down to fall into one of 4 categories: Sensory (colors and shapes), Math (starting with number recognition), Language (starting with letter recognition), and Practical Life. For many of us, the Practical Life piece creates some of our sweeter moments here -- watching a child arrange flowers for the first time, serve bread to a friend, or carry a tray with soapy water to the table for a friend and then wash and dry it. These are all tasks that we as adults rarely think twice about, and all to often when we are at home, our desire to let our children participate brings up thoughts of spilled water, broken vases or other "inconveniences" we would rather skip, so we resort to "just doing it ourselves." Here at school, though, under the leadership of Mrs. McArthur and Mrs. Banks, we all work very hard at providing child-friendly opportunities for these practical skills.

With that introduction, meet the practical life task of SILVER POLISHING!! Children experience a sense of accomplishment and joy when the silver polish is rubbed on, obscuring the image in the silver, and through their own hard work, see that same object take on a real shine and brilliance.

If you have something at home that could use a little "love rub," this would be an excellent time to bring it in for our students in the Silver Polishing Shop to love your item to its greatest advantage.

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