The Heifer Project is returning to Children's School! Aren't familiar with the Heifer Project? Well, briefly, Heifer International helps communities around the world help themselves through the use of animals -- cows, water buffalo, goats, bees, ducks, chickens -- whatever works best for that particular community. The family (or families) involved manage the animal(s) provided by Heifer International to provide nurishment for their own family, as well as a source of additional income by selling the product the family cannot use (milk, honey, eggs). It's really quite profound. Our school helps by collecting quarters. We will be placing quarter cylinders in the hallway in the next week. Each cylinder holds $125 worth of quarters. When both cylinders are filled, we take a straw vote with our students to choose which animal we would like to buy/donate to a community that would benefit from such a resource. While we are busy collecting quarters, we will read books, have conversations, play games, and even write stories about the Heifer Project. STAY TUNED, AND SAVE YOUR QUARTERS!!
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