
LunchBunch starts the second week of school - Monday, Sept. 8th

Useful LunchBunch Tips!

by Ms. Lloyd

LunchBunch (LB) is one of my favorite times of the school day because I get to watch ALL of our students interact and socialize. This makes for yet another teaching moment – the big kids modeling and assisting our little friends!

LB offers students more opportunities to share and more activities to experience including Yoga with Miss Tierney, creative art projects and games, elaborate LEGO construction with Teacher Caitlin, and a myriad of thematic choices aligned with our curriculum.

LB also means a bustling-buzz-of-busyness for TCS teachers. Empowering your children to be self-sufficient and responsible is one of our goals. Additionally, we are committed to our building's Greening Initiative, which means reducing the amount of garbage generated and sending home non-recyclable food waste.

So here are some simple LB tips to keep in mind as you pack your child’s meal:

1.      Please pack lunches in a separate reusable container (e.g., a Lunchbox), not loosely in their backpack. This enables each child to carry his/her own lunch from their assigned coat hook to the room where they will eat.

2.      Please pack items in Snap- or Tupper-ware when possible. Rinsed and reused take-out containers work great too!

3.      Please pack reusable utensils when needed. Bamboo or stainless steel utensils will be rinsed and returned. Using a cloth napkin is also a smart alternative.
4.      Please pack a beverage in a recyclable or reusable container. Use a Thermos or sippy cup for water, milk, or juice!

We really appreciate this extra effort on your part; it will benefit both your children and our planet!

A wonderful book by Laurie David, The Family Dinner: Great Ways to Connect with your Kid, One Meal at a Time (2010) talks about the importance of family meals and steps for making it happen, as well as fun recipes and healthy choices for young eaters.

For more simple suggestions packing a lunch, check out www.wastefreelunches.org.