
MWF Children Take Home a Friend

Meet PJ the Bear!
The children in our MWF class have recently been introduced to a very good friend of the school, Mr. PJ the Bear. PJ comes to visit every so often with the intention of getting to know some of our friends better by going on a little trip with a friend to their house. Our friends who take PJ home are then invited to write a little journal entry, maybe even with a picture, to tell us all what PJ's visit was like.
Here is an example from our friend, Mr. Luke:
"Today, I went to the "dump" with my dad and my sister, Nikki, and we took PJ with us. He got to ride in my backpack in my daddy's big truck. The dump is by Green Lake. When we got there, my daddy threw all the old pieces of our house into a big hole. PJ watched from my back pack. He was happy that he wasn't going in the hole, too. The End."

PJ is a long-time friend of The Children's School, and is very excited when he gets to go home with a friend that maybe is the sister or brother of a friend he met only a year or two before! PJ looks forward to making as many visits as he can this year. Maybe he'll be coming to your house soon!


Think Globally; Act Locally!!! (Heifer Project is Back!)

The Heifer Project is returning to Children's School! Aren't familiar with the Heifer Project? Well, briefly, Heifer International helps communities around the world help themselves through the use of animals -- cows, water buffalo, goats, bees, ducks, chickens -- whatever works best for that particular community. The family (or families) involved manage the animal(s) provided by Heifer International to provide nurishment for their own family, as well as a source of additional income by selling the product the family cannot use (milk, honey, eggs). It's really quite profound. Our school helps by collecting quarters. We will be placing quarter cylinders in the hallway in the next week. Each cylinder holds $125 worth of quarters. When both cylinders are filled, we take a straw vote with our students to choose which animal we would like to buy/donate to a community that would benefit from such a resource. While we are busy collecting quarters, we will read books, have conversations, play games, and even write stories about the Heifer Project. STAY TUNED, AND SAVE YOUR QUARTERS!!

Registration Has Started!!!

Registration for families already enrolled in our school is currently underway. Starting last Friday, Jan. 19th, these materials were put into the classroom boxes for pick up. If you have a child currently in our program, and have any questions about where you think your child will best fit for the next year, please don't hesitate to ask your teachers. We are hear to listen and want your child to have the very best experience we can offer.



Seattle Public Schools are running 2 hours late today, so our building will not open until 11am.
There will be no morning classes; but we will be open for Lunch Bunch and our Pre-K class will meet this afternoon.
Welcome Back!



No School for Tuesday, January 16th.
The weather once again keeps us from attending school.
We will begin to make up all these missed days in February. Our school WILL BE OPEN on February 20 thru the 23rd, weather permitting of course!


NO SCHOOL FOR FRIDAY! No Teachers' Workshop

Ice on the roads have made driving dicey. The Seattle Schools are starting 2 hours late, and we, in accordance to our policy, are cancelling our morning classes and Lunch Bunch. Please stay close to home, and stay safe. We will see you next week.

Teachers' Workshop is cancelled for today. Our workshop on Emergency Preparedness has been rescheduled for next Friday, starting at noon. We'll look forward to getting together then.



Due to snow and ice conditions, Seattle Public Schools have closed as of approximately 4:45am this morning. Consequently, our building will be closed, and our program. Stay home. Stay safe. Stay warm!!

Check here tomorrow for an update!